Main Page

From The 2424 Wiki
Revision as of 14:25, 17 April 2024 by TerranRich (talk | contribs) (Setting initial contents of Main Page)

This is the development wiki for 2424.

Areas of focus

  • Factions:
 * Friendly factions
 * Enemy factions
 * Neutral factions
 * List of all factions (all of the above)
  • NPCs:
 * Companion NPCs (i.e. main story NPCs that can follow you / join your crew)
 * Named friendly NPCs
 * Named enemy NPCs
 * Generic NPC types (unnamed NPCs such as "Stellar Patrol Thug", "Oasis Security Guard", "Star Force Ground Soldier", etc.)
  • Locations:
 * Worlds
 * Spaceports
 * Star Systems
  • Story:
 * Main story
 * Adjacent stories
 * Side stories
 * Random NPC encounters
 * Random ship encounters
 * Random global events
  • Quests:
 * Main questline
 * Side questlines
 * One-off side quests
 * Miscellaneous quests (randomized one-off mini-quests triggered by random encounters, random global events, etc.)
 * Entire quest outline (document combining all questlines and quests and their branches)
 * Tasks (usually obtained from: overhearing dialog, random NPC greeting, sign/warning/notice, finding an item, etc.)